
Like the ninjas of old, the Ninja is a master of disguise and adept at
getting out of tight spots. The Ninja relies on the skills passed down
through generations of masters. Skilled in close up combat, they may
just as well put a throwing star through your heart before you even know he
is there, and if a Ninja is hunting you, don't tarry in dark corners as
they are known for their ability to see in the dark.


Level 1: advanced throw
Syntax: throw ()
throw (Ninja subskill syntax)
throw fido north
throw fido 2e3n

Using this skill, a Thief can throw a throwing star at his enemy. A claw
or dagger must be wielded with a throwing star held. Once the stars are used
up, they can be recharged. When throwing stars at a target, if the throw
skill is not mastered, the star has a chance to strike an unintended target
or simply land on the ground. Stars that land on the ground can be picked
up and will automatically stack with the currently‑held stars.

The damage of throw increases with the novice, intermediate, master, and
expert throwing skills. When the victim's hitpoints are below 50%, damage is
increased by 10%.

Throw will hit twice, and once the skill has been mastered, it has a chance
hit a third time.

The Ninja subskill advanced throw allows the Thief to throw stars at
targets up to 5 rooms away (and around corners) once the skill has been

Main stat: Dexterity
Damage: Pierce

Level 3: vanish
Syntax: vanish
vanish set
vanish check

Through the use of smoke bombs, ninjas are skilled in the art of vanishing
quickly and without a trace.

Using 'vanish set' will set the point to where the ninja will vanish to.
The 'vanish check' command will show you what room you have set as your
vanishing point.

The same restrictions that apply to gate also apply to vanish, except that
vanish will work even when cursed.

Level 5: blindfold training
Syntax: automatic

Those skilled in combat while blindfolded have improved balance and
hightened senses. This allows them to sense incoming blows and evade them
even while blinded. It also enables the fighter to hit their targets with
full force and greater accuracy.

This skill has a chance to increase when evading a target while blinded.

Level 7: convince
Syntax: convince remove
convince drop
convince get
convince quaff
convince eat
convince drink
convince kill

This skill can be used to convince a mob to perform an action, such as
moving in a certain direction, or using commands like remove, drop, get,
quaff, eat, and drink.

If you fail to convince the mob to perform the desired action, the mob will
shake its head at you and possibly even attack you. The higher this skill
is learned, the lower the chance will be that the mob will attack. If you
convince a mob to quaff a potion that harms them, they will be none too
pleased and retaliate. Bosses are immune to convincing.

At 50% learned, it's possible to convince a mob to move to a room where
there are no more than 5 other mobs. This maximum increases to 10 mobs once
the skill has been mastered.

At 100% learned, you might even be able to convince someone to attack a
specific target, but only if the attacking mob's level is no higher than
151 and you can attack the victim yourself.

It's not possible to convince the mob to leave the current area it's in.
This skill does not work if either you or the mob are currently fighting
someone. Monsters who are more than 15 levels above you can't be convinced
to do anything. There is no failure message if the mob can't carry out the
desired action, such as dropping a non‑existent item or a nodrop‑flagged
item, or ordering a mob to walk through a closed, locked door.

It is against the rules to use this skill to grief another player by
purposefully moving an aggressive monster into the player's path.

Primary stat: Luck.

Level 10: advanced envenom
Syntax: envenom

The envenom skill is a cowardly skill, designed to win a battle through
alchemy and treachery rather than skill or strength. Or, put another way,
it's a skill used by the smart to kill the foolish. Food, drink, and
weapons may be envenomed, while advanced envenom can be used to envenom
throwing stars. When a weapon is envenomed, a poison spell is imbued into
the weapon, allowing it to cast poison in combat.

Syntax: envenom

The advanced version of the envenom skill is used to add damroll to and rub
various poisons on throwing stars that then have devastating effects when
thrown at foes.

Advanced envenom must be at least 50% learned to be used and the throwing
stars must be at least level 50 in order to envenom. At 50% learned, 1
effect can be added, and at 100% learned 2 effects may be added. Effects
are permanent, but may be removed by using the envenom syntax again on the
stars. The amount of damroll applied is based on the learned percent and
level of the item.